About Achiever Awards Ceremony

The Ceylon National Chamber of Industries, the premier industrial chamber in the country annually offers the opportunity to the entrepreneurs in the Industrial Sector of Sri Lanka to vie for honors for their achievements in manufacturing and service industries.

The primary objective of the “CNCI Achiever Awards” scheme is to recognize and reward the local industrialists who have excelled in the manufacturing and service sectors. The contest is held annually to identify those who have made significant strides in their respective fields of business whereby encouraging them to improve further and even to compete globally.

The evaluation criteria of this remarkable awards ceremony are transparent yet a stringent process that focuses more on rewarding the deserving industrialists in the country. It is made on several criteria encompassing Turnover, Value Addition, Productivity and Responsibilities towards Employees, Growth and Future, R&D, Quality Assurance, Environmental Responsibilities, Health and Safety, and Social Responsibility.

CNCI in its quest to make the industries globally competitive considers this contest as a tool. Thus, every year new factors are brought into the evaluation enhancing the benchmark levels. It is praiseworthy to see from the applications that businesses are certainly making progress in this direction and CNCI will continue to encourage them in their endeavors. Evaluations of winners are made at two stages that include stringent judging procedures with the presence of independent and eminent personalities from reputed institutions in Sri Lanka.

The “CNCI Achiever Awards Ceremony – For Industrial Excellence” has been organized since 2002 to date, continuing to reward deserving industrialists in Sri Lanka. The awards and their categories stand strong as one of the motivating factors for enthusiastic applicants. There are five categories under which the applicants can apply depending on the size of their businesses; i.e. Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Micro. The applicants of both the Manufacturing and Service Sectors Industries can vie for honors at the Provincial Level as well as the National Level.

Each of the above categories is entitled to be awarded if the required standards are reached. Gold, Silver, Bronze trophies and Merit Awards are offered in each category. The Crystal Award is offered to those thriving industries that compete at the National Level and the categories of Medium or above who have bagged the Gold Award for 3 consecutive years.

2023 Achiever Sponsors

CNCI Notice

CNCI Achiever Awards 2024 – For Industrial Excellence
Launching Ceremony

The most awaited glamorous event of the year for all industrialists out there… The CNCI Achiever Awards – For Industrial Excellence will be happening for the 23rd consecutive year in the year 2024. The remarkable night where all deserving industrialists are rewarded for their unparalleled business excellence. The annual launching ceremony of this extravagant event is around the corner!
Stay tuned with us for more details.